Yours Truly,

Ra'mele Lavendal

Tracker & Fighter
Little Ball of Sunshine

carrd template by cassiaslair.

Just a few things...

01. Everyone has 'em. Apparently we need them. I am not my character and she is not me. Just because she is a rude brat, doesn't mean I am. Ask me to tone it down if I am pushing a line with you, please.02. 18+. Due to the content that can be explored in Roleplay, I will not entertain or interact with anyone under the age of 18. If you are found to be a minor, you will be quickly blocked and blacklisted. While I do enjoy a good slice of life scene here and there, I am also one that likes to dive down into the dark and dirty side of things. Mature themes that can go dark and twisty fast.03. I am welcoming and friendly of any and all from any walks of life. I am LBGTQ+ friendly. If you are a straight up fetish character or one playing a character that is childlike, please do not interact with me.04. I do generally like all kinds of RP; Slice of Life, Story driven dark and mature things. (Yes, I know those are umbrella terms but I ain't about to narrow it down more when I do like a lot of it.) I also do some ERP, but let it be known I really have to have some form of trust built with the person I am RPing with before I even thing about wanting to write that out. I ain't looking for just the simple one and done kind of things so if that is what you are looking for, I do sincerely apologize but that isn't for me. I appreciate you for understanding.

05. All of our parents and or guardians taught us how to use our manners. Please use them. I don't tolerate rude or anyone that just chooses to be an asshole RL because they find it amusing. I deal with people like that A LOT at work and I would rather not deal with it online when I am just trying to relax and wanting to have fun. Gonna be a jerk? You know where the door is at and please don't let it smack you on the way out. Thank you.06. Please keep things that are IC, IC and all the OOC with the OOC. If you dislike my character for XYZ reason, that is absolutely fine, but don't go hating on me as a person. I am not my character. If I wrote something that may have upset you or worse, send me a tell and let's talk it out.
Your drama is not my drama. Don't drag me into it. I am capable of making my own opinions of others.
07. Thank you! ♥ Hello, my name is Lament, I am the writer of a couple few OC's on FFXIV and this one happens to be one of many.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and check this lady out.

Thank you all,
Lament. ♥


  NICKNAMES.   Little Fang | Sunshine | Qu'essan
  NAMEDAY.   17th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
  HEIGHT & WEIGHT.   5 fulms | 100 ponze
  HAIR & EYE COLOR.   Champagne Blonde | Peridot Green.
  SKIN TONE & NOTICEABLE MARKINGS.   Tanned Skin | White markings running from her neck to her feet.
  RESIDENCE.   Shroud/Sagolii Desert.
  OCCUPATION.   Hunter | Tracker.

Adopted Father: Vontros Lavendal
Adopted Uncle: Sivah Lavendal
  Aether Aspect:   Earth || Fae

  PERSONALITY.   Bright. Sweet. Kind of goofy, Mele is the type of person who tends to find the good in any situation. Even if it looks like it may just very well end up turning into something extremely bad.While intelligent, the woman plays it off that she is a bit of an airhead or dumber than she truly is. It being simpler for her to stick as what many view her to be than to try and prove it otherwise.Most of the time, she is an energetic gal who is likely bouncing around or goofing off, her temper is quite fiery. Prone to flying off the handle or going into a rage when her family, friends, or loved ones messed with.

  BIOGRAPHY.   Born and raised in the depths of the far reaches of Gridania, Mele is just one of the few of a group of miqo'te that branched off from their own families and loved ones to start their own. The clan very slowly growing in number; a mixture of poachers, highwaymen, mercenaries, and even those considered too feral to integrate anywhere else.Though not an outcast, Mele definitely acts as such out of mind for her and her own; not to mention wanderlust and curiosity definitely get the better of her. A mentioning of a new place would definitely make her ears perk up and a smile play across her lips. The thought of hunting in or visiting a new place never far from her thoughts.In recent past, Mele has found herself living with an unlikely troupe of individuals that have become her family over the past several seasons, her surname being changed to reflect the loyalty she shows to them.

01. A scarred beauty, but there is something else that is more than what meets the eye.02. Once upon a time she was a tracker and smuggler, but now she is a dancer and a pit fighter at a few places. Ask the right questions or have some knowledge of the woman, she is likely to do a job or two if the price is right.03. While not actively working as a tracker or a hunter, she will still take the odd job here and there for the right price.

04. A morpho can normally be seen close to her or even resting somewhere on her person. To many, just a simple insect, to the miqo'te, a very special gift that she guards.05. She works for quite a few people, it is not uncommon to see her shouting for a fight or even dancing in a club.

29. She/Her. Pansexual. Poly.


  Vontros Lavendal | Family | Ilharn   One that she has no problem calling her closest ally and even family. She'd fight through all the hells for him and his own without a second thought. Her loyalty to him second to none.

  Kerenos Underwood | Beloved Friend | The Gatekeeper   An unusual ally that was met in the most unlikely places. At first, she wasn't too sure about him as his silence rocked her to the core. But after some time, he is now a cherished soul in her life.

  Riven Reykholt | Family | Grandpa   Beloved friend and an adopted parental figure in her life. Riven is the rock in her life she didn't know she needed.

  Todd | Family | Sister   Beloved friend and someone she views as a sister. It is nearly impossible for her not to tackle the woman if she hasn't been seen in a while.

"Wherever we may stand with one another, know I will never be too far behind you."


All screenshots are either work of my own or from another with permissions to be shared. Those within the screenshots have also given permission for the shot with their character to be shared.


A gifted commission. Thank you, Suto, for such a wonderful gift!

By Jhansi!
-I adore this so much, lovely!

By Vel M.
-My first commission by a very dear friend. Thank you so much for this, darling.

By Roxy
-I will be screaming til I have no voice! Thank you so much for such a wonderful piece! ♥♥♥♥♥

Credit and love to the amazing people that created these lovely pieces of work! I love, appreciate, and adore you more than I can express.

"Glimpses of a life that most won't ever get to see."